Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Love Poem (English)

© When i am walking with you
i never want stop,
when i am looking at you
i never want close my eyes,
and when i hold you in my arms
i wish the clock stop tickin.
I Love You.

© I am restless....
I am depressed...
I am lonely...
I am sad...
And i am going crazy...
All for just two reasons...
I am here...
And you are there.

© Every tear is a sign of brokenness,
Every silence is sign of lonlyness,
Every smile is sign of kindness,
My every facts is sign of remembrance.

© Some people have nice eyes,
Some have nice smile,
Others have nice faces,
But you have all of these with a lovely heart.

© I am feeling so happy,
Do you know why?
Because i am so lucky,
Do you know how?
Because He gives me a gift,
Do you know what?
It's you my love.

© If ten people cares for you,
one of them is me,
If one person cares for you,
That would be me again,
If no one care for you
That means i am not in this world.

© The way you look into my eyes,
It scares me,
The way you say i love you,
It scares me,
The way you know just what to say
It scares me,
The way you scares me,
I love it.

© These are some of the romantic countries in the world-
HOLLAND- hope our love lasts and never dies.
ITALY- I trust and love you.
LIBYA- Love is beautiful and you also.

© If care is a raindrop,
I send you showers.
If love is a second
I send you hours.
If smile is a petal
I send you flowers.
If happiness is a person,
I send you myself.

© You will forever hold a key to my heart and in my heart will always be a place for you.

© I think you are very careless!
You come and leave things behind!
See now what you have left,
You just come in my mind
and left a smile on
my face.

© Rectangle has 4 ends,
Triangle has 3 ends,
Lines has 2 ends,
But our good love has no end.

© If i get your smile,
I dont need flowers,
If i get your love,
I dont need music,
If you speak to me,
I dont need anyone else,
You just be my life,
I dont need the world.

© Close your eyes,
Relax your body,
And stop your breathing
As long as you can...
I miss you as much as you missed the AIR.

© Near ones are not dear,
Dear ones are not near,
It is easy to remember the near ones,
But very difficult to forget the dear ones.

Are 3 words,
But take 3 seconds to read,
3 minutes to think,
3 hours to understand,
3 days to demonstrate,
3 weaks to explain,
And whole life to prove it!!

© I heared some whisper your name,
but when i turned around to see who it was;
i notice i was alone,
i realized it was my heart telling me that I MISS YOU.

© There are six billian people in the world but i dont know why keep missing you, may be because 5,999999999 cant replace a single you.

© Do you know about the things which live after death-
Eyes- 3 minates
Brain- 0 minates
Heart- 0 minates
Legs- 4 hours
Skin- 5 days
Bones- 30 days
Love- forever.


Admistrator said...

VERY NICE ARTICLE......................

jaiwardhan said...

i am jaiwardhan.my email id is j_jmyj@yahoo.in