Thursday, January 20, 2011

New system of Examination (E-20)

The Craze of Cricket is really improved by T-20 and IPL.

So we should also change our Examination System in order to increase the craze of exams among Students

Here are few steps to make it better-

1) Exam time should decrease to 1.5 hour and Marks up to 50.

2) Discussion Break after every 30 minute,

3) Students should have one Free Hit, in which they can give the answer of their choice in any of one question.

4) Starting 20 minutes of Powerplay, no examiner in examination hall in this period.

5) And last but not least... Dance of Cheer girls, for every right answer.

Wohoo!!! No one wanna miss this exam for sure.... xD xD

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awesome i like that....